Monday, November 28, 2016

Very Mysterious Twist in Star Plus Yeh Hai Mohabbtein

In Star Plus Show  Yeh Hai Mohabbtein Shagun turns eyewitness proving Ishita and Vidyut's affairs in Yeh Hai Mohabbatein

The forthcoming chapter of  Star Plus Show Yeh Hai Mohabbatein will show that Abhishek arrest Ishita for provoking Vidyut’s fan Misha committing suicide.

Family members request Abhishek that Ishita does not have any connection with Misha’s suicides.

Misha wrote a note before die as not Vidyut but Ishita is responsible of her death & Misha’s parent abuses Ishita for having extra marital affairs with Vidyut.

Raman Bhalla  bursts out at Misha’s parents for taunting Ishita but police take Ishita to the jail.

In the police station, Shagun adds more drama becoming eyewitness of Vidyut &  Ishita’s affairs.

Shagun says to  Abhsihek that Ishita is very clever woman who can do anything for her happiness.

Mystery man Suber bring out Ishita from jail with hidden intension

Shagun’s statement makes the case more complicated against Ishita but a mystery man named Suber helped Ishita.

He bailed out Ishita and Ishita eager to know about her well wisher.

Will mystery man Suber bring happiness or storm in Ishita’s life?

Keep Reading For More Updates Of Yeh Hai Mohabbtein 

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