Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Arjun's concern for Maya increase In Beyhad

In Sony Tv's Show Beyhad  Saanjh (Aneri Vajani) gets annoyed as Arjun (Kushal Tandon) become Maya's (Jeniffer Winget) shield from Ashwin in Beyhadh

In the forthcoming chapter there will be lots of high voltage dramatic situations seen amid Maya and Arjun in the daily soap.

It so happens that Saanjh clears Arjun's misunderstanding of Maya having a cruel father.

Arjun uptil now had thought that Maya does not have father and that's why was so sympathetic towards Maya, but Saanjh reveals the truth amid Arjun.

Arjun gets really zapped eyeing that Maya has a father who in fact is behind Maya's life.

Arjun's concern for Maya increase

In the upcoming episode there will be lots of tragic situations seen amid Maya and Arjun in the ongoing serial.

Arjun gets very much tensed as to how would Ashwin cause more harm to Maya and how would Maya survive with Ashwin always behind killing Maya.

It would be very interesting to watch as to how would Maya and Arjun get closer amid Saanjh's eyes?

Keep Reading For More Updates Of Beyhad  

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