Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Create a Blogger Blog In Few Second

Blogger is one of the top free blogging platforms available for anybody to use. It offers all of the blogging tools necessary to create a great site including:

  • Ability to set up multiple blogs on one account
  • Real-time Template Editor that makes it easy to customize
  • Advanced HTML editor for those more experienced
  • Widgets that can be easily added to your sidebars in a no-fuss easy manner
  • Multiple options for commenting abilities
  • Easy linking with your Adsense account and other Google products
  • Easy to use post editor and the ability to create additional pages
To get started with a Blogger blog, you will need to either have an existing Google account, or create a new one over at www.blogger.com. The process is quite simple:
  • Login using your Google account details, and then press the New Blog button on the dashboard
  • Enter the details for your blog following the on-screen prompts
  • You will be asked to choose your blog URL which will be “yourblogname.blogspot.com”. You can set up a custom domain at a later time if you wish.
  • Once your blog is set up you can start creating posts!

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