Tuesday, July 26, 2016

OxygenOS v3.2.2 Update Brings Host of Improvements to the OnePlus 3

The OnePlus 3 is amongst the very best that one can purchase right now — an affordable flagship that does kill several other flagships at twice its price point, what more could you want? Well, there’s always scope for improvements, and software is an area where the improvements can come in. The latest update to the stock OxygenOS on the OnePlus 3 does exactly that.

The new update is number v3.2.2 and comes in at around 271MB. Here’s the changelog of the new update:


* Improved notification management in doze.
* Addressed alert slider/silent mode issue.
* Disabled fingerprint sensor while in pocket.
* Added NFC toggle in quick settings.
* Improved noise cancellation in video recording.
* Updated 4K video recording codec.
* Added latest security patches and various optimizations.

Screenshot_20160726-111139Of all these improvements, one of the noticeable ones is the disabling of the fingerprint sensor when the phone is in the user’s pocket. Previously, the phone would register the pocket fabric as a fingerprint attempt and keep failing periodically, meaning that your device would unnecessarily wake up every now and then. This update fixes this, presumably by checking the proximity sensor on attempts to unlock via fingerprint.

The update is an incremental rollout, so it should reach your device sooner or later. But if you can’t wait, you can download the OTA file directly and flash it yourself. The full ROM is also available to download from here. Incase you need mirrors, you can head on over to the XDA thread to find some.

So what are you waiting for? Go on over and flash away!

What are your thoughts on this update, and on the OnePlus 3? Are there still annoying bugs left on the device? Let us know in the comments below!

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