Wednesday, July 27, 2016

OnePlus Customer Service in 2016: How My Faulty Unit was Handled

Despite telling myself I wouldn’t do so, I bought a OnePlus 3 on launch day. For the first time ever with OnePlus, ordering was incredibly easy with no invites or hoops to jump through. In a little over a week I had my new OnePlus 3. Thus far, I share Mario’s positive thoughts on the device.

I use and own far too many phones, and the OnePlus 3 is easily one of my favorites.

oneplus camera focusUnfortunately, after a week or two my OnePlus 3 developed an issue where the camera would no longer focus. Tapping on the screen would no longer change the focus, though the exposure would still change. A bit of googling led me to a few threads like this one where at least a couple of users had the same issue. After trying every variation of wiping, restoring, other kinds of TWRP magic, and crossing fingers… the camera just wouldn’t focus.

Sadly, it looked like for the first time in owning all 3 OnePlus flagships – I would have to deal with their support. Despite claims of an improved customer service experience, there is still a sizable negative reputation regarding OnePlus support, and it’s arguably understandable given the strong stigma that’s left after the catastrophic OnePlus One issues.

After a quick live chat on with no complaints on my end, my case was created and “escalated” to a specialist. A day later I had answered a few questions via email and i was given a (2 day) shipping label to send my phone off to get repaired.

The repair facility received my package on Wednesday, July 13th. On thursday the 14th I decided to ping OnePlus support and politely ask for an estimated time for diagnosis and repair (mainly because I actually missed the phone). OnePlus’s customer service representative responded politely saying that they hadn’t received confirmation from the repair facility just yet and to bear with them. So far, no worries. I can be patient and I understand that all these people involved are busy.

OnePlus answer editUnfortunately another week rolled by and I still hadn’t heard back from anyone about my device. I sent another email to the CSR asking about where my device was and if someone could please update me. I immediately received a response (pictured) saying my device was processed and back on its way.

Shortly after reaching out I had a new OnePlus 3 coming to my doorstep. The initial shipping estimate showed the device arriving to me on July 31st. The page makes an obvious claim that this is just an estimate, and it was. Thankfully, I got my replacement (in retail packaging, so an extra Dash charger for me) this past Saturday, July 23rd.

Overall I’m fairly satisfied with the experience. I would have preferred to have OnePlus be more proactive and less reactive (to my few emails.) I really should not have to go a week without having any idea what is going on with my brand new phone. Thankfully, each CSR I dealt with was incredibly polite, and very responsive once I reached out to them. In total I was without my device for 13 days or so. I’ve had to use Samsung repair services a few times and I’ve been deviceless for similar lengths of time. I’m sure there are worse OEMs out there, and I’m sure there are better. Keep in mind that I’m just a single OnePlus customer and in no way claim to know every single case of OnePlus’s support tales. A glance at the OnePlus forums reveals plenty of stories both good and bad. 

I guess the gist of this experience is just that when you’re spending $400 on a device, don’t expect $800 device support. OnePlus simply won’t have the manpower that someone like Samsung or Apple has. It’s not realistic to expect as much. For the cost of the device, and the lack of their retail presence, I think OnePlus did a fine job given their constraints. But as the saying (sadly) usually goes with OnePlus, your mileage may vary.

What has your experience with OEMs’ customer service been like? Sound off in the comments!

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