Friday, June 24, 2016

Sprint Hinting at Deals Tomorrow – Here Are the Details!

If you look at Sprint’s social media today you might have noticed tweets like the one below:

It’s clear that as part of that #SprintSaysThanks campaign they intend to do something big. And thanks to David Vaughan, the corporate account manager for the day job, we were clued into a few special deals tomorrow as what is being internally called a “Blow The Roof Off” campaign. We were also told that these are specific to corporate stores and they may ask how you heard – so please do a favor and make sure you thank him for the early news. Deals also appear to be both for business and consumer accounts.

From 9 am until noon any activation gets a $100 credit. The example given was 10 lines and no limit was specified. Then from noon until the store closes each line ported gets a $50 port-in credit, while adding lines are also given a $50 “Add-a-Line” credit. Eligible lines can claim both if applicable. A social media discount will also be announced tomorrow that will give 30% off all accessories under $99.99. And finally, A $50 bounce back credit for those who may miss tomorrow and activate on Sunday or Monday.

All in all Sprint is trying hard to claw back some of the market share it has lost to its rivals over the years and continues to try new ways to do so. With different attempts to attract customers back such as the sales tomorrow and the recent advertisement below featuring Paul Marcarelli – formerly Verizon’s “Can You Hear Me?” ad man – now “switching” to Sprint – is it working? We’ll surely see soon enough as the first quarter to its fiscal year next week and they announce their results in either late July or August.

So do any of the deals strike your fancy? Are you a current Sprint subscriber and happy with your service? Or perhaps a former subscriber but have been thinking of coming back? Feel free to comment below!

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