Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Introducing A New Series: Ask TK

For the past few years TK has been making videos here on YouTube and you probably already know a bit about him. He’s starting a new series here on XDA TV called “Ask TK”.

This new advice show will take your questions from either YouTube or Twitter and give you any Android related information you’re looking for. You could be wondering what the prediction is for the next big device, curious about rooting, or wondering about the best app for a specific need is. Whatever the case, TK is here to help you out.

If you’d like to post a question, leave a comment on the YouTube video. You can post your questions to Twitter as well. Tag @tkdsl8655 and @xdadevelopers and use the hashtag #AskTK so we can find you, or just hit the button below.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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