Monday, June 27, 2016

Google Plans to Release its Own Smartphone This Year

If you are an Android enthusiast, and chances are that you are since you are here on XDA-Developers, you would likely need no introduction to the Nexus lineup of devices. Nexus devices are devices that are a result of partnership between Google and the lucky OEM: Google takes care of the development and software end of the device, while the OEM is in-charge of manufacturing it up to spec of Google’s requirement. Nexus devices are at the forefront of Android updates, since they come directly under Google’s wing. They are also the prime choice for developers and for people who care about Android updates.

But it seems that Google is not content with the status of the current relationship. If The Telegraph and their sources are to be believed, the software giant is planning to get into the smartphone war directly, with the launch of its own handset.

The Telegraph notes:

The technology giant is in discussions with mobile operators about releasing a Google-branded phone that will extend the company’s move into hardware, sources familiar with the discussions told The Telegraph. The new device, which will be released by the end of the year according to a senior source, will see Google take more control over design, manufacturing and software.

So, apart from the two upcoming HTC-Nexus in 2016, there is now a possibility that there will be a third device, this one directly from Google. This information is still in its early stages, as the Android world has so far received no other news or leaks on the existence of plans of this move. If the hardware is to arrive by the end of the year, we should be privy to more details soon enough. Until then, we take the news with a pinch of salt, but with our fingers crossed.

What are your thoughts on Google taking absolute control over the hardware? How will this affect Nexus devices, and other Android devices? Which market segment should this device tackle? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

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