Friday, May 27, 2016

Celebrate the Start of Summer with a Giveaway! NVIDIA SHIELD Pro, Jetson TX1 Dev Kit, and More!

The coming holiday weekend in the United States means the ushering in of the unofficial start to summer. This means barbecues firing up, pools and beaches opening – and in the case of XDA it’s only fitting to arm someone with some fun goodies too! NVIDIA pulled out all the stops with this one and is providing not only a SHIELD Pro 500GB Android TV bundle (check it out!) but recognizes our community with a Jetson TX1 Development Kit as well! We’ve also partnered VisionTek Products, AndroidFileHost and Mpow to bring some other great prizes to the giveaway.

Please use the following below or click here to enter! Giveaway is limited to US and Canadian residents only. Our thanks to all of the partners for their support as well!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Image by Android Foundry, used with permission.

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