Monday, February 29, 2016

This is the New TouchWiz on the Galaxy S7/Edge [Gallery]


The Galaxy S7 and S7 Edge is now shipping to T-Mobile customers, and XDA/Android Podcast Member altimax98 was lucky enough to receive his first thing in the morning.

Since then he’s been playing with it and digging deep into the user interface, trying to find as many neat little features as possible. So far, his experience has been satisfactory, but you’ll be able to hear his full hands-on in tomorrow’s episode of the XDA/Android Podcast. Until then, here is a neat gallery showcasing what the new TouchWiz looks like, with and without Material Themes.

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As you can see, this isn’t very different from what we saw in the Marshmallow builds for the Note5 and S6/Edge/+, so those that have received the update aren’t missing out on much. Nevertheless, TouchWiz keeps changing here and there and it’s certainly very different than what we saw just two generations ago.

What do you think of the new TouchWiz look? How do you think Samsung’s skin has improved over time?

Check Out our Galaxy S7 Forum

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